Drage naše dame, sretan vam Dan žena!
Postoje razni tretmani za poboljšanje i očuvanje vitalnosti te pomlađivanje kože.
Jedna od najučinkovitijih svakako je masaža koja je idealna mjera za održavanje zdravlja i vitalnosti te uklanjanje nakupljenog stresa. Također, odlično je sredstvo u borbi protiv glavobolje i nesanice.
Osim masaže, pripremili smo popust i … Read More
Ako nisi ziher trebaš li se prijaviti na Hack-a-thon 2020, evo nekoliko pitanja koje će ti pomoći oko odluke:
Student si ili mlađi od 30 godina?
Imaš ekipu s kojom radiš čuda (ili barem maštaš da radite čuda)?
Spremni ste iznjedriti neko uber kul rješenje?
Volite robote?
Ako je na 3 i više pitanja odgovor … Read More
Danas je u akvatoriju ispred plaže u Krilu Jesenice, u organizaciji Sportske udruge Nova Generacija 7 iz Podstrane i Hotela Krilo iz Krila, održana drugo izdanje plivačke utrke na otvorenim vodama „Pozdrav litu 2019“. Na utrci je nastupilo dvadesetak natjecatelja uglavnom iz lokalnih plivačkih, triatlon te klubova daljinskog plivanja.
Goody bag, … Read More
Ljudi koji žive uz more imaju poseban odnos s njim – ono ih hrani, liječi i puni energijom. Nažalost, ljudski utjecaj na more nije uvijek pozitivan što su prepoznali i brojni zaljubljenici u ekologiju koji su 9. rujna 2019. u Krilu Jesenice sudjelovali u organiziranoj akciji čišćenja podmorja. Krilo Jesenice … Read More
Potpuna relaksacija u neposrednoj blizini mora, s pogledom na lokalnu lučicu i morska bespučja
U samom srcu Dalmacije, obiteljski hotel Krilo otvorio je svoj wellness i spa studio. Svojom personaliziranom uslugom, hotel omogućuje ugodan smještaj i stvaranje nezaboravnih uspomena neovisno jeste li na obiteljskom odmoru, romantičnom putovanju, poslovnom putu ili se … Read More
Iza nas je još jedno zanimljivo natjecanje koje je okupilo brojne ljubitelje plivanja – 2. plivački maraton u Podstrani u organizaciji Sportske udruge Nova Generacija 7 – SUNG7.
Djeca i odrasli svih uzrasta nestrpljivo su čekali početak svoje utrke. Nestrpljenje su kratili upoznavanjem te stvaranjem novih velikih i malih prijatelja. Pritom … Read More
Otplivali, osvojili pehare, medalje i razne nagrade te uz glazbu i dobro spizu ispratili ljeto
Ljubitelji plivanja i ljeta ovog su ponedjeljka sudjelovali na prvom obiteljskom natjecanju u plivanju pod nazivom „Pozdrav litu 2018“. Iako je većina sudionikadošla u obiteljskom okruženju, svatko se natjecao u svojoj kategoriji. Posebnu draž utrci dala … Read More
Malo smo plivali pa zatim feštali te pozdravili nam ljeto 2018. godine u našem malom obiteljskom hotelu Krilo. Prijave natjecatelja održane su na recepciji hotela gdje su nam se naši plivaći “tetovirali” sa svojim startnim brojevima te pokupili goody bagove koje smo pripremili za njih.
Goody bag, poklon koji je dobio … Read More
Pozdrav litu 2018Prijava na plivačku utrku “Pozdrav litu 2018. NG7 & Hotel Krilo” 08.10.2018.
OrganizatorSportska udruga Nova generacija 7 – Sung 7, Podstrana te Hotel Krilo, Krilo Jesenice
Mjesto održavanjaNa velikoj plaži u Krilu Jesenice, 300tinjak metara južnije od Hotela … Read More

Krilo Jesenice has a health tourism tradition of over 125 years. Thanks to its mild Mediterranean climate, pinewoods and air, this is an ideal place to recreate your body and spirit. Learn to live with us, in harmony with nature
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Let yourself go! Enjoy a view of dolphins dancing in a school while a griffon vulture guards the sky, wall geckos happily crawl across house walls, and the best shrimp in the world plays the beat with its claws somewhere deep down in the sea
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Let yourself go! See what it’s like to be pampered by nature that has given Krilo Jesenice over 200 plant species – 80 are autochthonous!
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Let yourself go! Have a gastro delight that will introduce you to the Krilo Jesenice cuisine and aromatic specialties. Take a journey through flavors you have not had the chance to try
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Let yourself go! Dive into our world and feel the sun gently caress you, feel the rock trembling while the wave salutes it, see how pine trees catch the wind as it hides in their tops
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Where the stars look beautiful like nowhere else, where you breathe with your full lungs, where waves of Dalmatia intertwine, and where Adriatic dolphins swim happily – that’s where the Krilo Jesenice Archipelago is located. This is a magical place that will seduce you with all its attributes - scents, tastes, sounds and preserved natural beauties.
Read moreWI-FI
Not many towns in the world count their history in thousands of years, but the town of Krilo Jesenice is one of them!
There is a reason why the two or three weeks you are going to spend on the Adriatic are called holidays.
Krilo Jesenice has for centuries also been a melting pot of different gastronomic influences
There are truly not many other towns or cities in the world where you can start off...
In summer months you can sail out into the open sea from the Krilo Jesenice town port
One of the greatest perks of choosing Krilo Jesenice as your holiday destination will be the fact that you’ll have all of Dalmatia at your fingertips.
READ MORE!Ovom prilikom Vam se zelim zahvaliti za sav trud i Vase neizmjerno gostoprimstvo. Hvala za svu paznju koju ste nam poklonuli.
Vas objekat,smjestaj a posebice kompletno osoblje je iznad svih prosjeka.
Ako uspijemo napraviti slobodnog prostora za jos jedan vikend dok traje akcija na Megabonu, potrudit cemo se da opet budemo Vasi gosti.
Svim nasim prijateljima smo ispricali i docarali ambijent i toplinu koji ste nam pripremili.
Primite puno pozdrava i zelim Vam uspjesan rad.

It’s 1st of November and it’s still nice and sunny weather. I’m impressed! Had morning coffee while enjoying sea sight peacefully. Room was clean and cozy. Great value for money. I recommend it.

A very good hotel in every way. Nice and serviceminded personel, good food, nice rooms. Just by the sea. Easy to travel to and from the hotel along the coast with local busses. Close to several beaches. I can really recommend this hotel.

Beautiful location by the sea. The staff was very friendly and helpful. Spacious and clean room; nice and rich breakfast buffet. Can’t recommend Hotel Krilo enough.
The rooms are beautiful, exactly how they look on their website. We had a wonderful stay here. The staff were extremely helpful. They even packed us a lunch each as we had some early tours booked and we were going to miss our complimentary breakfast. We really enjoyed our stay here and would recommend Hotel Krilo to everyone!

From when we were greeted at the private car park and to our time of departure all the staff were so friendly and helpful. When we were departing before breakfast they even arranged a little packed breakfast for us to take away with us. The room was lovely (amazing shower). The location was brilliant and right in the middle of everything. Great WIFI and breakfast.

Super friendly staff who made us feel very welcome. Great recommendations from the lady at check in concerning where to visit and where to eat. The room we had was lovely. Tastefully decorated and spacious. The location of the hotel couldn’t be better. There is also a lovely restaurant. The breakfast was also very good. Overall I’d highly recommend this hotel!

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